
UNA主要使用 微软团队 for web conferencing.  If you have questions about using 变焦, email ets@hzjly.net



  • 变焦 Security Resources
  • Do not use a Personal Meeting ID for public meetings (ETS recommends not at all). This is like giving out your phone number.
  • Do not enable join before host – There will be a message “Please wait for the host to start this meeting” Once the Host joins the meeting participants will then have access.
  • Do not share meeting links on social media
  • 设置- - - Video off for Participants upon entry.
  • 哑巴。 All Participants upon entry.
  • 实践中, Managing participants in a meeting
  • 使用等候室 – You can enable a virtual staging area that prevents people from joining a meeting until the host is ready. Meeting hosts can then admit people in the Waiting Room individually or all at once.
  • Lock your meetings – After all of your participants have joined your meeting, use the Lock Meeting feature to prevent any other participants from joining the meeting. 
  • Control chat 和 screen sharing – Under the “Allow Participants to:” section, you can enable or disable participants’ ability to use the chat function 和 share their screens. 
  • Remove participants – If you have unauthorized users joining your meeting, you can use the Remove Participant feature, which will remove the user from the meeting 和 prevents them from re-joining the meeting.

What do I do if my meeting is "bombed?"

In the event an uninvited person is able to access your meeting, this is a list of possible types of disruption/interference 和 recommendations for dealing with them. 

Source: University of Wisconsin Knowledge Base. UW-Madison 变焦-Secure Meetings 和 Webinars. (2021年3月). 从检索 http://kb.wisc.edu/zoom/page.php?id=106947

  • Audio interruptions - unmuting 和 speaking to the class.  Press Participants, then Mute All. On the pop-up, uncheck "Allow participants to unmute themselves"
  • Video interruptions - showing inappropriate video or gestures in a live or virtual background. When detected, press Participants, select the individual, press Stop Video.
  • Chat interruptions - typing something inappropriate or using private chat to harass other students. Press Chat then the menu (...) see bottom right to manage chat settings.
  • Screen share interruptions - sharing inappropriate content with all attendees. The default setting allows only allow the host to share. If a non-host needs to share screen, temporarily make them a co-host then remove the privilege when done sharing.
  • Annotation interruptions - drawing something inappropriate on the screen during a screen share. If Annotations are enabled during a screen share, under the Security button, uncheck Annotate on Shared Content.

