
的 政治科学 Program offers a program of study that leads to the Bachelors of Science or the Bachelor of Arts degree.  We additionally offer minors in International Political Studies, 法律研究, 政治科学, 公共管理.  的 政治科学 Program is designed to prepare students for graduate study in law, 政府, 政治, or 政策 和 for careers in federal, 状态, 地方政府, including municipal 和 private planning agencies.  

UNA 政治科学 graduates readily get accepted to law schools 和 graduate 项目 in political science, 政策, 以及公共管理. Our alums have taken jobs at various levels of 政府, 在非营利部门, are well represented in management positions in the private sector.

的 政治科学 Program offers students several options to engage their community including legal 和 public service internships (PS 495). Political science also has active 模拟试验模拟联合国 项目. 的 政治科学 Club 和 Pi Sigma Alpha have hosted Presidential Debate Viewing Parties, socials, tailgates at UNA home football games.

的 政治学专业 is a thirty-six hour program that has six required courses:

  • PS 241 - United States Government 和 Politics
  • PS 244 - Public Policy 和 政府
  • PS 301 - 政治科学 Scope 和 Research
  • PS 302 -比较政治学
  • 世界政治
  • ps304 -政治理论

Students can then choose among a wide array of 政治学课程 填写他们的专业.  Political science students can also design their curriculum around their interests including American 政治 和 institutions, 比较政治学, 国际关系, public 政策 以及公共管理, 政治理论.